Demo virtual version of our Dice Game. 

Don't know how to play? Read the Adult Guide to the game here (and get a cool set of printable dice that you can print out and make on your own).

If the game works (maybe it won't!) you'll see some dice fall from the sky. Click each die individually to give it a new roll.

There aren't really rulesbut the below instructions should get you started (feel free to change them)!

  1. One person rolls all 4 dice and chooses 2 of them.
  2. The other person gets the other 2 dice.
  3. Each person takes a turn combining their dice's images into a question, observation, story, memory, etc. 
  4. Talk! Laugh! Ask! Answer! Wonder!
  5. Repeat!

Note: this game probably works on desktop browsers and some Android browsers (try Firefox, Brave, Chrome). It probably doesn't work on iPhone browsers and maybe won't work on Safari on MacOS (again, try Firefox, Brave, Chrome).